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 Dynamically change the size or dimensions of an array


    A_SIZE(  @<aTarget>,
              [, <nElements>...] )   ->   lSuccess


    <aTarget> is the array to re-size.  It must be passed-by-
    reference.  A_SIZE() cannot resize binary type arrays.

    <nElements> are the new dimensions of the array.


    A_SIZE() returns (.T.) if the function was successful, otherwise,
    it returns (.F.).   In addition, the aTarget array is modified.


    A_SIZE() modifies the dimensions of the @<aTarget>.  If the
    array is increased in size, the new elements will be added to the
    end of the array and assigned to null.  If the array is decreased
    in size, the data at the end of the array will be lost.

    You cannot change the number of dimensions with A_SIZE(), rather,
    you can change only their magnitude.


    // Declare a two dimensional (L)ong integer array
    LOCAL rows, cols, x, y, z := 0

    rows = 10
    cols = 20
    aLong = A_DECLARE( "L", rows, cols )

    // Fill the array with increasing values.
    FOR x = 1 to rows
       FOR y = 1 to cols
          A_STORE( aLong, z++, A_( x, y ) )

    // Increase the size of the array by 10 rows
    A_SIZE( @aLong, rows + 10, cols )

    // Show some results.
    ? A_RETRIEVE( aLong, 10, 20 )      // Result: 200
    ? A_RETRIEVE( aLong, 11,  1 )      // Result:   0

See Also: A_ADD() A_DEL() A_INS()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson